Haleyville firefighters on the scene of a camper and house fire on Eighth Street.
HALEYVILLE - A fire in a camper on Eighth Street in south Haleyville Tuesday morning, Jan. 18, spread to a neighboring home, where it caused further damage.
The camper, which belonged to Chris Hamby, was completely destroyed in the fire, which began before 9 a.m. The fire jumped to a neighboring home, which is owned by Steven Stults, causing significant damage. The Haleyville Fire Department responded quickly, receiving assistance from Bear Creek Fire.
Hamby reported to the Alabamian on the scene that he has lost everything in the fire and is in need of help. Anyone who can help may call (205) 739-4348. Hamby thanks the community in advance for their assistance.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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