New model fire truck approved by Haleyville Council

Acting Fire Chief Terrell Baccus, seated front, talks to the council about the need for a fire truck at the council meeting. Also shown are Haleyville firefighters Doug Brakefield, Craig Thomas and David Eckl, sales rep for Emergency Equipment Professionals.

HALEYVILLE - A long overdue upgrade for the Haleyville Fire Department came Tuesday night, Jan. 21, when the Haleyville City Council approved the purchase of a 2021 Pierce side-mount pumper, satisfying a years-long need for the fire department.

Council member Richard Bittinger made a motion for immediate consideration on the purchase ,with Royce Benefield seconding the vote and all council members voting in favor. Bittinger then made a motion to approve the purchase of a Pierce fire truck at the final price of $268,270, with Benefield seconding and all council members voting in favor.  All members of the council -  Bittinger, Benefield, Drew Thrasher, Jonathan Bennett and Blue Russell - were present for the vote.

The initial price for the 2021 Pierce International truck was $280,220, but several discounts were applied, including a booking discount of $1,100, $10,093.64 for a prepaid discount, and Emergency Equipment Professionals (the truck's dealer)  absorbed $756.59 for a performance bond, according to Acting City Clerk Christy Harbin.

The purchase will be paid through the city's general fund, Harbin added.

Acting Fire Chief Terrell Baccus stated the new truck will have a pump capacity of 1,250 gallons per minute and a 1,000 gallon capacity tank. The department should receive the truck, which is being built to their specifications, within 12 to 14 months, Baccus said.

Over the past seven years, the Haleyville Fire Department has applied for an Assistance to Firefighters grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a new truck, but has been turned down. After being turned down, the department reached out to Mayor Ken Sunseri and the council for assistance.

The specs approved by the council Jan. 21, was the fourth set of specs the fire department had turned in.

“It's time to upgrade to a newer truck. If not, it will put us in a tight on down the road,” Baccus pointed out. He said the department's first rolled truck for structure fires is 22-years-old with 40,000 miles. The second truck is 23 years old, and the third responding truck is 36 years old, he added.

“We need something newer,” he said. Baccus and David Eckl, sales rep for Emergency Equipment Professionals, along with several Haleyville firefighters present for the council meeting, thanked the council for their action to purchase the new pumper.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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