ADDISON - Mayor Marsha Pigg told the Addison Town Council at its Jan. 16 meeting that a light was needed in the parking lot of the Municipal Building, where the meeting was being held. She also said the town may pave that parking lot in the spring.
Since then, the town n asked Cullman Electric to install lighting there, according to Town Clerk Cindy Luker.
At the meeting, Police Chief Brett Rodgers remarked that cutting some of the trees on site would allow more light to reach the parking lot from other sources.
Pigg told the council that Kyle Carden had resigned as park director of Alexander Park and the town needed to find someone to fill the position.
Pigg also told the council that Christmas in the Park went well despite the rain that fell the night it was held, noting that approximately 300 people partook of the free food.
Council Member Brandon Womack suggested that the council should, at some point in the future, consider changing the parade route. Pigg and the council briefly discussed alternate routes with Rodgers and Fire Chief Mark Wilson. No action was taken on the matter.
Pigg told the council that the town needed to send a required letter to the office of the Winston County revenue commissioner stating that its 5 mill property tax rate had not changed, and the council voted to do so.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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