DOUBLE SPRINGS - Most schools in the Winston County School System will have at least one new hire and were welcomed by the Winston County Board of Education at the meeting on Tuesday, July 31.
Most agenda items included resignations, transfers and new hires.
There were two resignations for Meek High School: Morgan Bell, effective Aug. 1, and Lance Archer effective Sept. 17. The other resignation was Kenneth Loveless, a bus driver at Haleyville, effective Aug. 2.
Approval for transfers were accepted for the following with effective dates of Aug. 2:
• Scott Flynn from Addison High School to Addison Elementary School;
• Cyndy Bartlett from AES) to Meek High School;
• Bryan Heck to ag teacher at Meek and Lynn High Schools;
• Daniel Farris to assistant principal at LHS.
The following new hires were approved as well, all with the effective date of Aug. 2:
• Raven Cain, science teacher at LHS;
• Sherry Thrasher, English teacher at MHS;
• Kayla Dean, special needs aide at Lynn Elementary School;
• Tiffany Guin, special needs aide, Double Springs Elementary School;
• Behre Trammell, gifted teacher, for Addison and Meek schools;
• Kim Wilson, math teacher at MHS;
• Brooke Kelley, elementary teacher at AES;
• Melissa Cleghorn and Kelly Boyd, Pre-K aides at AES.
Wes Brown, Tommy Daniel and Chase Trotter were approved as coaches at MHS, and Amanda Brown, varsity volleyball, and Jesse Woods, junior volleyball, were approved as coaches at LHS.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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