HALEYVILLE - Summer reading programs are back, and the Haleyville Public Library has a great line-up of events to keep children engaged and reading all summer long.
“Oceans of Possibilities” is the theme for this year’s summer reading program, the first in-person summer reading program the library has held since 2019, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will begin Thursday, June 16, and will take place for six weeks.
The line-up of weekly programs is:
June 16 - “Learn Puppetry & Ventriloquism” - C.R. Hood;
June 23 - “Magic City Legos” - Peter Bradberry;
June 30 - “The Snake Man” - David Kelley;
July 7 - “Luau Party”
July 14 - “Wild West Show” - The Brannons;
July 21 - Comedy, Puppets & Ventriloquism” - Gene Cordova.
The program will begin at 10 a.m. each day and is open to children ages 5-12. Children who keep a log of the books they read over the six-week period will be eligible for prizes at the end of the program.
Registration is currently underway. To register your child, stop by the library Monday-Friday. For more information, call (205) 486-7450.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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