Legal Notice
ORDINANCE #2022-03
SECTION I. The said Mayor and City Council hereby find and declare that Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board, have filed with it, as the governing body of the City of Haleyville, a petition for the annexation of property owned Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board in Marion County, Alabama, a true and correct copy of said petition, which is set forth below:
Before the Mayor and City Council for the City of Haleyville
Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board
Parcel 1:
Comes now the
undersigned and hereby show and
petition as follows:
Two acres, described as follows: To begin at the SW corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ and run East on the forty line 70 yards, thence North 140 yards, thence West 70 yards to the West line of said forty, thence South along the West line 140 yards to the point of beginning, lying in the Southwest corner of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼, all in Section 1, Township 10 Range, Range 11 West, and containing in all 2 acres, more or less.
Including a 2001 Buccaneer Bridgeford 16x80 3bd/2ba manufactured home
located on the south One (1) acre of
Property Address: 127 8th Street, Haleyville, AL 35565
Parcel 2:
A part or parcel of land in the SW ¼ of the NE ¼, Section 1, Township 10, Range 11 West, in Marion County, Alabama more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Southeast corner of the SW ¼ of NE ¼ and go North along the forty line a distance of 105 yards; thence South a distance of 105 yards to the South line of said forty; thence East along said forty line a distance of 175 yards to point of beginning.
Property Address: 805 1st Avenue, Haleyville, AL 35565
1. That the undersigned entity is the owner of the property of the hereinafter described property located in Marion County, Alabama, which property is contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Haleyville and hereby petitions the City of Haleyville under the provisions of Section 11-42-21, Code of Alabama, 1975, that the hereinafter described property be annexed to the City of Haleyville, thereby causing the municipality's corporate limits to be extended and re-arranged so as to embrace and include such property within the corporate limits of the City of Haleyville:
2. The undersigned attach hereto as Exhibit "A" a map of the territory showing its relationship to the corporate limits to the City of Haleyville to which said property is proposed to be correctly included and hereby certify that they are the owners of the hereinafter described property as defined in Section 11-42-20, Code of Alabama, 1975 as amended.
S/Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board
SECTION II. The said Mayor and City Council hereby grant said petition for annexation of the property described in said petition filed by Haleyville Water Works and Sewer Board hereby consent to the proposed annexation and orders that the corporate limits of the City of Haleyville, Alabama, shall be extended and re-arranged so as to embrace and include said property described in the petition as a part of the corporate limits of the City of Haleyville to become effective upon the date of publication of said ordinance.
It is further ordered that upon publication of said ordinance, the Clerk of the City of Haleyville shall file a description of the property to be annexed in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Winston County, Alabama.
Adopted and approved this 5th day of December 2022
Christy Harbin
Acting City Clerk
Ken Sunseri
OR_Dec 14