Legal Notice
Blasting Schedule
Mays Mining, Inc.
In accordance with Section 880-X-10C-.32. (2)(c) of the regulations of the Alabama Surface Mining Commission, notice is hereby given that Mays Mining, Inc. 18164 Highway 269, Quinton, AL 35130 (Telephone (205) 471-9794) will conduct blasting operations at its Meredyth Mine (P-3899). Blasting will be conducted in the following areas:
SE/SW of Section 34, Township 8 South, Range 10 West, Franklin County, Alabama; NW/NE, NW/SE, NE/NW, NW/NW, SE/NW, SW/NW, SW/NE, NE/SW of Section 3, NE/NE, NE/SW, NW/SW, SW/SW, SE/SW, NW/SE, SW/SE of Section 4, Township 9 South, Range 10 West, Winston County, Alabama.
Blasting will be conducted between the hours of sunrise and sunset, Monday through Saturday of each week. Emergency situations which may cause variation from this schedule include, but are not limited to, the following: equipment breakdowns, unauthorized work stoppages, or weather conditions such as rain, lightning, or thunderstorms. All entrance roads to the mining area will be marked with signs reading “Blasting Area” or “Warning Explosives in Use”, which list audible warning signals. Prior to each blast, all access roads will be blocked until the “All Clear” signal is given. An audible warning signal will be used before a shot is fired and to indicate “All Clear”.
Warning Signals:
Five (5) minutes prior to blasting --- 3 long blasts of a horn/siren.
Immediately prior to the blast --- 2 long blasts of a horn/siren.
All Clear --- 1 long blast of a horn/siren.
BS_July 3