Lions Club gives eye screening tests to students

Key Club member Morgan Overton, left, enters data in to the Spot Vision Screener. Key Club member Jordan Jackson is on the right.

DOUBLE SPRINGS - Lions Clubs are charitable organizations aimed at raising money for helping in the community. The Double Springs Lions Club is no exception.
On Tuesday, Jan. 15, Lions Club members sponsored an eye screening test for sixth and eighth grades at Double Springs Middle School.
“We try to do that every school year,” Phillip Batchelor, president, said. “The state does a test for the fourth grade, so we just do the sixth and eighth grades.”
The machine used is a VS100 Spot Vision Screener made by Welch Allyn and was borrowed from the Cullman Lions Club.
Winston County High School Key Club members helped with giving the eye tests. As the student would sit, the volunteer would enter information into the machine, point it toward the student and it would measure the student’s eyes. It was over after a few seconds, and the next student was called.
The machine did a printout which told if the child needed an eye exam. The printout even included a snapshot of the student’s eyes.
The material is given to the school nurses, and those deemed for additional testing are sent a letter, along with the material, through the mail. If additional requirements are met and the doctor used is Dr. David Wesley in Jasper, the Lions Club may pay part or all of the expenses for an eye exam and a basic pair of glasses.
Key Club members volunteering for helping with the tests were Erica McKee, Ashton Thomas, Jordan Jackson and Morgan Overton.
Over the past several months, the Lions Club has helped in other areas as well. They have recently donated 30 diabetic testing kits to schools throughout Winston County.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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