Employee at Clayton Homes facility in Addison tests positive for COVID-19

Cleaning service workers were spotted outside one of the Clayton Homes facilities in Addison Wednesday morning after a confirmed case of COVID-19 among one of Clayton's Addison employees was announced. The facility has been shut down for the remainder of the week for a deep cleaning and sanitization. (Courtesy photo)

ADDISON - The Alabamian has been able to confirm that an employee at one of the Clayton Homes facilities in Addison has tested positive for COVID-19.

In a memo sent out to employees and obtained by the Alabamian, it was confirmed that as of Tuesday, March 24, Clayton Home Building Group had its first positive COVID-19 test at one of its facilities in Addison.  That facility has been closed for cleaning and sanitation for the remainder of the week, with plans for Clayton Addison to reopen on Monday, March 30.

Caitlyn Crosby, media relations manager for Clayton, confirmed that an employee in Addison has tested positive for coronavirus.

"The health and safety of our team members  and their families is of the utmost importance to our company.  A Clayton team member in our Addison home building facility tested positive for coronavirus.  We are committed to supporting this team member, as well as protecting their privacy,"  Crosby said.  "The team member has not been in the facility for over a week. "

Crosby noted that the employee had not traveled to any other Clayton facility within the county or the region.

Within the memo, Clayton officials did give some additional details on their team member who has tested positive.  The individual who tested positive felt symptoms on Monday, March 16, had their temperature checked and did have a low-grade fever.  At that time, the employee was immediately sent home.  The employee was tested for COVID-19 on Tuesday, March 17, and was notified Tuesday, March 24, that the test was positive.


Clayton officials stated within the memo that they have been communicating with their employee and are very happy to report that the employee is healthy and recovering, having not felt sick or symptomatic since Friday, March 20.
The Alabamian has been able to determine through several sources that the individual who tested positive does not live in Winston County.

All Clayton employees who had direct contact with the individual have been spoken to, and will be in self-quarantine for the next 14 days, according to Crosby.  Clayton will provide team members with additional paid time off during this temporary closure.

In addition, Clayton Addison will not be shipping any homes until Monday, March 30, when the facility will reopen.

According to Crosby, Clayton had already taken several precautions regarding COVID-19, including establishing a task force that has been monitoring the virus, as well as implementing workplace sanitation procedures and policies, social distancing and canceling large meeting and events to help protect the health of their team members.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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