WINSTON COUNTY - Winston County will be receiving over $3.2 million in ATRIP II funding from the state for two road projects that will significantly improve safety and accessibility on two major highways. The projects were announced today by the state and by State Representatives Tracy Estes and Tim Wadsworth.
Highway 278 will be resurfaced between Highways 13 and 5 at Natural Bridge, with plans also to including planing work to increase the vertical clearance in the westbound lanes. This has been a major problem for some time, particularly for manufactured home carriers, who have had to detour through Lynn to move the homes through successfully.
In Double Springs, a left turning lane will be added to the Highway 33 intersection with County Road 24 to make it safer to turn toward Double Springs Middle and Winston County High Schools, as well as the Winston Career Academy. An acceleration lane will also be added to County Road 24 to improve safety.
The Alabamian is working on gathering more on these projects, and will have much more in an upcoming edition.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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