LYNN - Fall is approaching and with it comes time for high school football. One of the main pieces of protective equipment is the helmet, used to combat concussions in the contact sport. Helmets are required to be reconditioned every two years, and Lynn High School will need to have theirs ready before football begins.
At the Monday, July 20, town meeting, officials approved a $3,000 donation to Lynn High School to help relieve some of the debt required to have the helmets reconditioned. A motion was made by Tommy Chambless, seconded by Brian Heck, council members, and passed unanimously.
“Coach (Calvin) Aldridge asked if we could donate,” Mayor Earl Gilbert said during the meeting. “They didn’t get to have the golf tournament.” This tournament, among other canceled events due to the pandemic, allowed for fundraising for the helmets.
“It’s going to cost (the school) $6,000,” Gilbert mentioned. Even with the many unknown situations regarding school this year, the town decided to make the donation.
Reconditioning of the helmets is mandatory to make sure they are certified and for the safety of the athlete, according to Aldridge. The life of a helmet is usually a decade. Riddell is the company currently reconditioning the helmets.
"We appreciate what the city board and Earl did for us," Aldridge said. "Earl is a hard-working guy. We appreciate him and (Principal) Todd Tittle as well."
Also during the meeting, the contract was approved for the basketball court, and construction of it will begin after the paperwork is completed. In addition, the town approved goals to purchase separately from the contract, with two goals at $2,000 each and two at $1,000 each.
A motion to apply for a Homeland Security grant, worth up to $20,000, and to be used for communication purposes in the fire and/or police departments, was passed.
Five resolutions were also passed, all referring to the upcoming municipal election.
Resolution 2020-08 named Marcia Manasco, town clerk, the election manager due to the mayor running this year.
Resolution 2020-09 named Manasco as the absentee voting manager.
Resolution 2020-10 authorized the use of a electronic vote counting device.
Resolution 2020-11 hired Michael Williams and J.C. Pruitt to provide voting machines.
Resolution 2020-12 appointed four clerks to work the election polls.
Lastly, $3,000 was transferred into the senior citizen account.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 17, at 6 p.m., at the old town hall.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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