One vehicle accident at Waldrop church lands helicopter

The driver of this vehicle was airlifted from the scene. The collision with the telephone pole caused shards of the pole to land in the church parking lot across the street. The pole is in two pieces.

HALEYVILLE - Another accident has happened on Highway 195, this time in Haleyville in front of Waldrop Freewill Baptist Church in a sharp curve.

Shortly after 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, Haleyville Fire Department was toned out to the scene of the one vehicle accident which had struck a telephone pole and snapped it in two. The vehicle landed upside down off the side of the highway in between two driveways of the church.

The driver of the vehicle was extracted using a cutting apparatus, with Haleyville Police Department, Regional Paramedical Services and Winston County Sheriff’s Office also on the scene.

The driver was placed into the RPS ambulance and transported a short distance beside Waldrop Church to a Regional Air Medical Services helicopter which had landed to transport the patient.

The impact between the vehicle and the telephone pole happened with great force. Three small splinters of the pole came to rest in the church parking lot, a distance of several feet. The vehicle also struck the Winston County Road 36 directional sign, causing it to lean. Debris was scattered on and off the side of the road.

Traffic was rerouted through the church parking lot while officials extracted the driver and cleaned the debris.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency arrived on the scene and will be investigating the accident.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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