Winston County Commission

Public hearing on proposed lodging tax brings out concerned residents

Benjamin Grizzell. standing, owner of Smith Lake Rentals and Sales, addresses the Winston County Commission with concerns about the proposed lodging tax. At left is Commission Attorney Jeff Mobley. At right is George Gibson, Karen and Charlie White, who also spoke out with concerns.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - A week before a special-called Winston County Commission meeting to discuss and vote on the proposed lodging tax, residents spoke out Monday, Feb. 10, voicing concerns over the tax and urging commissioners to rethink the issue.

Proposed lodging tax has commissioners unsettled

Winston County Commission Chairman David Cummings, right, states he is going to not second a motion to vote on a lodging tax proposed by District 1 Commissioner Rutger Hyche, far left. In the middle is District 2 Commissioner Roger Hayes.
WINSTON COUNTY - A proposed lodging tax for Winston County did not get off the ground at the Winston County Commission’s Tuesday, Jan. 21, meeting, when action on the tax failed due to a disagreement among commissioners over how the tax proceeds will be divided.

New communications equipment coming

The three acres, leased to the Winston County Firefighters Association, where the new communication tower will be placed is located behind the Delmar Fire Department off Highway 13.
WINSTON COUNTY - First responders throughout Winston County have received the long-awaited announcement that much-needed communication upgrades and a new building on the county’s west side to house the new equipment have officially been given the go-ahead, meaning the project should begin soon.

Commission seat will be empty temporarily after general election

From left, Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri; present Winston County Commissioner District 2 David Cummings, who will take over as chairman in November; present chairman Roger Hayes and Mike Evans, president of the Haleyville Area Chamber of Commerce.
HALEYVILLE - Current Winston County Commissioner for District 2 David Cummings will take over as commission chairman November 13, meaning the resulting vacancy in the district 2 seat will need to be addressed.

County to pay $100,000 more a year for inmate healthcare

Winston County Commissioner District 2 David Cummings, center, has questions about the agreement the county is about to sign regarding inmate medical services at the county jail. At left is Commissioner District 1 Rutger Hyche and at right is Chairman Roger Hayes.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Budget concerns will possibly be facing the Winston County Commission, after they reached a new agreement with the company providing healthcare services for county jail inmates, at a cost of over $100,000 more per year than the previous agreement.

Winston County Commission asked to pay more for inmate health care

Ritchie Harbison chief operations officer for Quality Correctional Health Care, goes over figures claiming the company is in the red over the Winston County Jail. Shown seated from left, Commissioners Rutger Hyche and David Cummings and Chairman Roger Hayes.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Officials with the company that provides medical services for Winston County Jail inmates are claiming to be in the red, offering a solution which would cost the Winston County Commission an additional $84,000 per year.

Residents angry over conditions of roads in Bankhead

Black Pond Fire Chief Terry Tidwell says it’s a rough situation for firefighters responding to calls on County Road 315 due to its deteriorating condition.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - A group of residents who live along County Road 315 in the Black Pond community informed the Winston County Commission they have traveled a rough road trying to get road improvements made, urging commissioners to help them with funding and resources.

Title II funding will be restored

Winston County Commissioner for District 1 Rutger Hyche examines a forest, or co-op road that goes from surface treatment to dirt. The county is desperately needing funding to correct such issues.
WINSTON COUNTY - After Winston County officials became fearful they would no longer receive Title II funding for use on forest roads, they sought help at the federal level, with news the funding will be restored.