Delmar School reunion canceled
DELMAR - The Delmar School reunion, which was planned for Saturday, Sept. 19, has been canceled this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reunion organizers plan to have the reunion next year if at all possible.
DELMAR - The Delmar School reunion, which was planned for Saturday, Sept. 19, has been canceled this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reunion organizers plan to have the reunion next year if at all possible.
NATURAL BRIDGE - The annual Courington family reunion, which is held on the Sunday before Labor Day each year at the Natural Bridge Community Center, has been cancelled for 2020.
Reunion organizers hope to bring the event back next year and hope to see all family members there.
ADDISON - The Hayes family reunion, which was scheduled to take place on Sept. 13, in Addison, has had to be canceled for this year. Organizers plan and hope to resume the family reunion in 2021.
NATURAL BRIDGE - The Granny Wakefield family reunion, which is typically scheduled for the Saturday before the second Sunday in August, has been regrettably canceled for 2020, organizers said. Hopefully, the reunion will get to take place again next year.
PEBBLE - The annual Pebble School reunion, annually scheduled to take place the Saturday before Memorial Day, has been canceled for this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizers regret any inconvenience this decision may cause and hope to have a wonderful reunion in 2021.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - In a move that saddened all involved, Double Springs First United Methodist Church has regretfully had to cancel its annual Holy Week services, which were scheduled for April 6-10 , due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The health and safety of our friends and neighbors is of utmost concern to us. So, for the first time in over 30 years, Holy Week will not be conducted this year," Lay Leader Jim Baird said.