Legal Notice
Sealed proposals will be received by Winston County Schools, 25101 Highway 195, Double Springs, Alabama 35553, until 2:00 PM CST, Tuesday, March 7, 2023, for
at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read.
A cashier’s check or bid bond payable to Winston County Schools in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000, must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds and evidence of insurance required in the bid documents will be required at the signing of the Contract.
Drawings and specifications may be examined at the office of Whorton Engineering, Inc., 25 Summerall Gate Road, P. O. Box 5190, Anniston, Alabama 36205.
General Contractors/Bidders may obtain digital copies of plans and specifications from the Engineer upon receipt of signed Electronic Files Release Form. Hard copies of the Bid Documents may be obtained from the Engineer upon non-refundable deposit of $75.00 per set/project. Bid Documents, associated addenda, and other proposal information will be issued only to plan holders on the Engineer’s Official Bid List and will be distributed solely by the office of Whorton Engineering. Please contact Whorton Engineering (256-820-9897) for details, and to be added to the Official Bid List.
Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Engineer or copies thereof. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the provisions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the Engineer; the bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying his or her current license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the Owner’s judgement, the best interests of the Owner will thereby be promoted. Bidder certifies by submitting a response to this bid request that neither the company nor any of its employees who will provide or perform services under this contract have been debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts and subcontracts.
Alabama law (section 41-4-116, code of Alabama 1975) provides that every bid submitted and contract executed shall contain a certification that the vendor, contractor, and all of its affiliates that make sales for delivery into Alabama or leases for use in Alabama are registered, collecting, and remitting Alabama state and local sales, use, and/or lease tax on all taxable sales and leases in Alabama. By submitting a response to this solicitation, the bidder is hereby certifying that they are in full compliance with Act No. 2006-557; they are not barred from bidding or entering into a contract pursuant to 41-4-116, and acknowledges that the Owner may declare the contract void if the certification is false.
Winston County Schools
Local Awarding
Engineering, Inc.
WC_Feb 15, 22,
Mar 1