WINSTON COUNTY - Data have been released for “kids count” statistics on Alabama counties. Every year, a data book is released by VOICES for Alabama’s Children, and this year marks the 25th anniversary. A changing demographic from these statistics show a decline in Alabama’s child population, which is now at 25%. Winston County’s child population dropped from 26.2% in 2000 to 22.7% in 2017, the number of which is 5,375.
“The decreasing child population in Alabama is important for two reasons - we will have a smaller pool of workers to fill the jobs being vacated by Baby Boomers who are retiring,” Rhonda Mann, deputy director of VOICES for Alabama’s Children, said. “This group of workers will have the added burden of caring for a larger population of senior citizens. This could have an impact on not just future economic growth but also retaining the industries already in Alabama. A recent workforce report stated the state will need an additional 500,000 skilled workers by 2025. When you look at our educational outcomes, we must ensure that every child is graduating from high school ready to go on to higher education or prepared to go into the job market. We need every child to succeed.”
One of the more positive notes of fact is 97% Alabama children have health insurance. Only 167, or 3.3%, of children in Winston County does not have health insurance. 84.1% of females in Winston receive adequate or adequate-plus prenatal care.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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