Local students make University of West Alabama President's and Dean's Lists

LIVINGSTON -The University of West Alabama has announced nearly 500 outstanding undergraduate students named to the president’s list and the dean’s list for the fall, 2018 academic semester. Students on the list are from 21 states across the U.S. and abroad.

The president’s list gives recognition to undergraduate students with exceptionally high grades for the semester, those with grade-point averages of 3.80 or higher on at least 12 semester hours credit with no grade lower than a “C.”

Local students who made the president's list are Hunter Ray, of Addison and Justin Denson and Nicholas Noland, both of Arley.

The dean’s list gives recognition to those undergraduate students who have been enrolled for 12 semester hours or more and have made for the semester a quality-point ratio between 3.25 and 3.79, with no grade lower than a “C.”

Local students who made the dean's list are Sarah Wright, of Crane Hill, Heath Martin, of Brilliant, Dakota Nowlin, of Hamilton and Andrew Ruiz, of Haleyville.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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