Donations heading Africa's way

Seated are Pastor Jonathan Uncapher and Dr. Isaac Gwan. Standing left to right, Grace Mokem, university student; Guilene Pagnou, lab technician; Leonie Fokou, teacher and her child; Solange Gouffo, head teacher and Cornelius, young boy.

ARLEY - The Church at Arley, located three miles south of the town on County Road 41, has received many donations, including much needed medical equipment, which is being sent to Nomedjoh, Cameroon,  just north of the equator in west Africa. It had 712 inhabitants in 2005.

The amount of supplies donated was enough to fill a box trailer shipping container, which will be driven to Mobile and spend 55 days on the sea journey to Africa.

Items in the container include an entire X-ray room, bicycles, cookware, a 1,900 lb. diesel generator, woodworking shop, roofing material, wheelchairs, two hospital beds, mattresses, two rototillers, chain shaws, surgical lights and a plumbing system (with a solar-powered submersible pump and water tank).


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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