Haleyville City Council approves pay raises for next city administration

HALEYVILLE - The Haleyville City Council approved an ordinance  during their Monday, Feb. 3, meeting that will increase the salaries for the next mayor and city council.

In a unanimous vote, council members Royce Benefield, Richard Bittinger, Blue Russell and Drew Thrasher and Mayor Ken Sunseri voted to increase the pay for both the mayor and council, with the raises to go into effect at the first of November when the next city administration will take office.  Municipal elections will be held across Alabama in August of this year, including in Haleyville.  Council member Jonathan Bennett was absent from the Feb. 3, council meeting.

Sunseri noted that the pay increase will be the first for the City of Haleyville since 1998.  The mayor's salary will increase from $1,000 a month for a total of $12,000 per year to $800 bi-weekly for a total of $20,800 per year.  Council members' salaries will double from $200 per month to $400 per month.

City attorney Jeff Mobley explained that the new salaries were calculated after comparisons were made to numerous cities comparable in size to Haleyville.  He explained that the new salaries are still low compared to many cities comparable in size to Haleyville, and even some towns smaller than Haleyville.  The raises will not affect the current administration's pay, it was stressed repeatedly.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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