LYNN - The partnership of three major entities in Winston County has enabled a division of Hamilton Homebuilders to complete production of Platinum Homes’ orders, as well as to transition over to an increased production of 100 employees at Hamilton Homebuilders’ newest location in the former Platinum Homes building.
The process of Hamilton Homebuilders operating a new facility of manufacturing doublewide homes in Lynn has developed over a period of several months, requiring a step-by-step process from at least three major entities.
First, the Industrial Development Authority of Winston County approved Resolution 2020-18, supporting the agreement for the expansion of Hamilton Homebuilders farther into the county, followed by support of the IDA’s resolution granted by members of the Cooperative Improvement District--all taking place during in one meeting held at the Double Springs Town Hall courtroom.
The vote by both the IDA and Cooperative District was unanimous.
Double Springs Mayor Elmo Robinson, a member of the Cooperative District, knows the positive effect Winston Homebuilders, a division of Hamilton Homebuilders, has had on the town since they began production in the town’s industrial park in 2019.
“This is a good growth company, and it will benefit Lynn quite a bit,” he said.
The town of Double Springs leased the building to Winston Homebuilders, with the agreement the company would provide 180 jobs, Mayor Robinson said.
“They have ended up with quite a few more than that now,” said Robinson. “It’s a good company to work with.”
The second step was the Winston County Commission approving their support of the project by a resolution voted upon by Chairman Roger Hayes and Commissioners Bobby Everett and David Cummings at a separate commission meeting.
“It shows a sign of people working together,” Chairman Hayes stressed, “the commission working with the cities and the cities working with the commission.
“Anytime you are retaining 100 jobs and adding another 100 jobs, this is big for Winston County, especially with times they way that they are,” Hayes added.
“It’s going to be good for the town of Lynn...but I’ll say this, for the people of Winston County, for those people who say they can’t get a job...every manufacturer in Winston County needs help,” Hayes continued. “The jobs are out there. It’s a good tax base. It’s good for all the citizens.”
The third and final step, which authorized the completion of the needed approvals, was a unanimous vote by the Lynn Town Council at their regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 17.
Council member Brian Heck made the motion, seconded by Allen Barnett and all voting in favor, including Heck, Barnett, Tommy Chambless, Bruce Odom and Mayor Earl Gilbert. Council member Chris Little was absent from the meeting.
These three entities were, by approving the resolution, making a commitment to pay for an expansion of the parking area at the now former Platinum Homes facility where Hamilton Homes is setting up business.
The entities have agreed to spend up to $100,000 on improvement and expansion of parking facilities at the Hamilton Homes’ new location in Lynn, which is located on private property.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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