HALEYVILLE - Before the start of the Monday, Oct. 19 meeting of the Haleyville City Council, Mayor Ken Sunseri took opportunity to honor two outgoing council members for their years and long-standing dedication of service to the city. Mayor Sunseri presented Richard Bittinger, left, and Royce Benefield, right, with American flags that have flown over the nation's Capitol in Washington, D.C. as tokens of appreciation. The terms of service for both Bittinger and Benefield ended after that council meeting. On Monday, Nov. 2, an organization meeting will be held where two council members newly elected in the municipal elections will take their seats, Boo Brooks, who defeated Benefield and Brian Berry, who defeated Bittinger in the Oct. 6 run-off. Also shown at the presentation are, back row, from left, are council members Jonathan Bennett, Drew Thrasher and Blue Russell, who ran without opposition in the municipal elections.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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