Winter Weather

City, county garbage collection postponed until road conditions improve

WINSTON COUNTY - Winston County Sanitation Department has postponed garbage collection for Tuesday, January 16, until roads are deemed passible after wintry weather, reports commissioner David Cummings. 

Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri stated there is much uncertainty on when City offices will reopen Tuesday. If City streets do not improve enough to reopen, city services such as garbage collection will remain halted.

Haleyville City Schools to be virtual Thursday due to weather

HALEYVILLE-  Due to the continued threat of hazardous road conditions, Haleyville City Schools will be virtual on Thursday,  January 18, announced Superintendent Dr Holly Sutherland.  

"We will continue to monitor the weather. It is possible we may be virtual Friday as well," Sutherland said.

She urged everyone to follow social media learning platforms, iReady,  and check grade level and classroom social media pages for more information.


All county roads deemed passable but under advisory.

All Winston County Roads have been removed from impassable condition and are now under advisory condition except for County Road 60, according to Winston County Commissioner David Cummings.  County Road 60 remains closed. Unless absolutely necessary, please stay off roads until tomorrow once the sun has come up and melts remaining ice. Please use extreme caution while driving as there may be isolated slick spots on roads and bridges. Also, be aware that trees may continue to fall with the added weight of ice.

Warming center open at Double Springs Municipal Building

Resha Daugherty, director of the Double Springs Municipal Building, shows the area where the warming center is available now.
DOUBLE SPRINGS  - Residents who may not have an adequate heat source or those who may lose power in the second round of wintry weather expected Wednesday afternoon, can find warmth and a place to lay their head at the Double Springs Municipal Building.

HALEYVILLE City Schools continue virtual on Friday; sub-regional basketball games moved to Friday night

Due to  road conditions resulting from snow and ice this week, all Haleyville City Schools will  continue to be virtual on Friday, Feb 19, according to Superintendent Dr. Holly Sutherland.  Governor Kay Ivey  has declared a State of Emergency, so school systems are allowed to take virtual days during inclement weather. The high school varsity boys sub-regional basketball game has been moved to Friday, 6 p.m. at home, with the varsity girls playing Friday night at Good Hope. “Please be careful on the ice. Student safety is our top priority,” Dr Sutherland said.