WINSTON COUNTY- Both Haleyville City and Winston County school systems have announced that they will be virtual on Thursday due to possible severe weather caused by tropical storm Francine. Updates will be posted as they become available.
Emma Anne Hallman, director of the Child Nutrition Program for Haleyville City Schools, goes over the new finger print scan system with first grade student Paisley Sherrill, 6.
HALEYVILLE - A new method of student identification is being implemented for the new school year, where a finger scan will allow school personnel to access students’ meal accounts.
From left, Haleyville High School Principal Davey Reed, Director of Administrative Services Dr. Bill Bishop, Middle School Principal Bo Wilcoxson, Director of Instructional Services Chere Fetter and Director of Student Services Christy Bice are ready for the pre-school pep bus event to get students excited for a new year.
HALEYVILLE - Big changes are underway for the start of Haleyville City Schools this year, not only with the annual block party, but also with the return of the pep buses.
From left, Haleyville High School Principal Davey Reed; HHS Assistant Principal and System STEAM Coordinator Candy Garner; Middle School Teacher Susanne Trallo; Middle School Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner and Middle School Principal Bo Wilcoxson. Garner and Trallo have announced retirement at the end of the school year.
HALEYVILLE - Two long-time educators at Haleyville City Schools, with a combined service of 60 years, will be retiring at the end of the school year.
HALEYVILLE - Dr. Holly Sutherland, superintendent of Haleyville City Schools, released the following message Sunday, Jan. 23, regarding HCS being virtual Monday, Jan. 22:
HALEYVILLE - Due to secondary roads still being deemed impassible as of Thursday morning as well as a water issue at Haleyville City schools that could pose a problem about ice, the schools will be virtual this Friday January 19, announced superintendent Dr Holly Sutherland.
"We are not risking employee or student safety by trying to open school when it is not safe to do so," Sutherland emphasized.
Sutherland encouraged all students to refer to their grade level and classroom platforms, online work platforms and iReady or their virtual assignments.
HALEYVILLE- Due to the continued threat of hazardous road conditions, Haleyville City Schools will be virtual on Thursday, January 18, announced Superintendent Dr Holly Sutherland.
"We will continue to monitor the weather. It is possible we may be virtual Friday as well," Sutherland said.
She urged everyone to follow social media learning platforms, iReady, and check grade level and classroom social media pages for more information.
Haleyville City Schools Chief Financial Officer Candy Marbutt goes over figures with the board of education during a working session. Also shown is Haleyville School Board President Boo Haughton.
HALEYVILLE - Although education officials are excited over the record amount of reserve funding on hand for Haleyville City Schools, they are being advised the money will be spent quickly on major needs of the system, while ESSER funds will be depleted by 2024.
Haleyville Middle School teacher Kelly Rushing stresses to students the importance of being in school, as Principal Bo Wilcoxson and Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner look on in support. Students, from left, Brant Vickery, Shawn McKinney, Blake Arnett, Bradford Hollimon, Will Sutherland, Het Patel, Heet Patel, Sage Morga and Kiah Bell.
HALEYVILLE - One of the biggest goals educators at Haleyville City Schools want to tackle this school year is reducing student chronic absences, a factor affecting test scores.
These empty bus seats will soon be filled, as buses will be on the road next week picking up and dropping off students for a new school year.
WINSTON COUNTY - As a new school literally rolls around the corner, the Winston County Schools system assures their fleet of buses is ready to roll, but that the public and students show follow important safety tips before the roadways become more crowded with the large yellow student carriers.