ARLEY - The Arley Women's Club met Wednesday, January 23, to continue making plans for the 51st annual Arley Day Festival, Parade and Car Show, set for Saturday, May 18.
Members of the Arley Women’s Club plan this year’s Arley Day. Left to right, sitting are Jonna Bailey, Montie Pafford and Nancy Carlisle. Standing are Mary Wynder, Carolyn Blanton, Cindy Bryant, Jane Shirah, Laurie McGriff, Ara Loftis and Joni Owens.
ARLEY - Are you ready for summer? Members of the Arley Women’s Club sure are and have been working toward Arley’s gateway to summer: the annual Arley Day Festival. Organized and presented by the AWC, Arley Day is in its 47th year. Plans have already begun, and the event looks to be the best yet. Save the date: Saturday, May 16, and get ready to begin the summer off right.