Legal Notice
Notice to
Debris, Removal, Reduction, and Disposal
Following a
Declared Disaster
Department of Transportation
West Central
Region –
Fayette Area
Fayette, Greene, Lamar, Marion, Pickens, Walker, Winston Counties
Sealed bids will be received by the Alabama Department of Transportation until 10:00 am on Monday, April 29, 2024, and at that time publicly opened for a retainer contract for debris removal, reduction, and disposal following a declared disaster, in the West Central Region, Fayette Area. The bid opening will take place at the Alabama Department of Transportation, West Central Region, Fayette Area office, Conference Room.
Qualified General Contractors holding a current Alabama State license are invited to bid. This contract is for the purpose of retaining a qualified General Contractor whose services would be employed in the event of a Tropical Storm event or other declared disaster.
Copies of the contract documents and specifications may be inspected and/or obtained at the following locations:
Department of Transportation
West Central
Region –
Fayette Area
399 25th Street NW
Fayette, AL 35555
(205) 932-7561
Digital copies can be found under the “Special Notice to
section at
Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered directly to the Owner prior to the bid opening.
Such sealed bids must be clearly and legibly marked
"Debris Removal, Reduction, and Disposal Following a Declared Disaster – Fayette Area” on the outside of the envelope.
The most qualified, responsive, responsible, and highest ranked bid will be accepted with key consideration based upon the benefit to the public; however, the Alabama Department of Transportation reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irregularity in the bids received, and to accept or reject any items of the bid for the benefit of the public.
No conditional bids will be accepted.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing date and time for the receipt of bids.
John Cooper
AL_Mar 27,
Apr 3, 10