HALEYVILLE - With qualifying underway for the Haleyville Board of Education election set for Tuesday, August 27, the Alabamian will offer candidates the option to run candidate profiles Wednesday, July 17, through Wednesday, July 31.
The Alabamian has set guidelines for free political profiles to be published in its print edition, which is also reproduced in a digital edition. Free profiles will be published on a first-come, first-serve basis. You may begin submitting your profile now. Free profiles must be turned in by candidates no later than Friday, July 26, at 5 p.m.
The Alabamian will run one local announcement free-of-charge for candidates, along with a head shot. This free announcement will run only once and is limited to 350 words.
“Anyone who wishes to publish a story that runs more than 350 words is welcome to run a paid political display advertisement,” said Alabamian Publisher Horace Moore.
Front page advertisements are available at a set rate. The front page advertisements will run up to five inches (including the photo and headline,) with the story continued inside. The front page announcements will be limited to a first-come, first-serve basis.
All paid political advertisements must be paid in advance and report at the bottom of the ad who has paid for the advertisement, including a complete address and the name of the committee chairman, if applicable.
All profile material is to be turned in typed, not handwritten, and preferably emailed when possible to Alabamian Managing Editor Shelly Hess at news@mynwapaper.com. Documents on CD and USB flash drives brought to the newspaper will be accepted.
High resolution digital photos in JPG format will be accepted. The Alabamian reserves the right to reject a photo that does not meet its standards. A member of the Alabamian staff will make appropriate photos for $10.
The policy does not prevent news coverage of incumbents or the candidates as part of regular news coverage. Some items, such as check presentation photos, may be delayed for publication if the Alabamian feels scheduling is purposefully close to the election date for political reasons.
Anyone wanting more details about the free profiles may call Hess at (205) 486-9461 or send her an email at news@mynwapaper.com.
Anyone wanting to know more details about advertising may call the Alabamian's Advertising Director Christy Aderholt at (205) 486-9461 or email her at ads@mynwapaper.com.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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