Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri issues statement regarding COVID-19

HALEYVILLE - Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri issued a statement on the city's Facebook page late Tuesday afternoon addressing coronavirus-2019, or COVID-19.  The statement, in its entirety, is as follows:

"I have waited to develop this post due to rapidly changing information.  I will tell you what we do know and what we do not know. The actions taken recently are unprecedented, and all of these actions are to isolate individuals to keep COVID-19 from spreading.  This is real, but it is not time to panic.  We as a community need to help our neighbors.  We need to assist those that are elderly or disabled.  We need to assist them in any way possible.  I will make every effort to keep you informed.

"If you feel you need to be tested, call (888) 264-2256 for testing information.  We need to maintain a distance of six feet from other individuals.  We are working to obtain supplies for Lakeland Community Hospital, Haleyville Healthcare, Rose Manor and Azalea Manor.  Each facility has posted rules that you need to follow for the safety of their staff and patients.

"There are federal funds that are available.  However, no guidance is available yet for draw downs.  Individuals who are laid off due to the current economic situation or because they or a family member is quarantined will be eligible for unemployment benefits.  Other funding may also be available. Be sure to have a doctor's order for you or your family member when applying for these funds.

We do not know how climate change will affect the virus.  We do not know the duration of school closings, restaurant closings, sporting events or the return of the lifestyle we cherish.  Please be patient, avoid RUMORS and help our administration, city and citizens to reduce the spread of this virus."

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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