HMS football team goes 7-1 on season
HMS football team members include: front row, from left: Reece McNutt, Cooper McNutt, Hayden Ramos, Jon Cade Stone, Logan Claytor, Ian Turner, Brett Whaley. Second row: Jackson Kutis, J.B. Crumpton, Evan Cagle, Michael Thrasher, Alex Perez, Jaeden Lipsey. Third row: Noah Bell, Fisher McCombs, Grayson Goddard, Josue Marchant, Marcus Tackett, Hunter Reynolds, Dylan Yarbrough. Fourth row: Brett Cullman, Jake Chandler, Blake Hood, Eli Cagle, Andrew Barton, Gavin White. Fifth row: Tristan Reynolds, Jackson Crook, Brock Yager, Wilson Frazier, Parker Hulsey, Scuyler Jones, Benjamin Hess. Sixth row: Alex Castro, Landen Lovett, Will McCullar, Clay Price, Blake Barton, Cody Cagle. Coaches are Jeffrey Whitten, Head Coach Will Romine, Chuck Moody and not pictured Jamie White.
HALEYVILLE - The Haleyville Middle School football team rolled through this season like a freight train, devouring opponent after opponent. The Lions lost their final game to Russellville in a tough battle. Both teams had undefeated records, with the Tigers winning 20-12.
The season’s victories for the Lions included:
Lawrence County -
Hamilton - 44-0;
Marion County - 28-13;
Meek - 42-8;
Carbon Hill - 41-6;
Winfield - 14-8;
Sheffield - 30-6.