New Principal

Coan new Phillips High School principal

Tina Coan is the new principal of Phillips High School.

BEAR CREEK - Tina Coan, a native of the Bear Creek community and a long-time teacher at Phillips Schools, has now returned to Phillips as the new high school principal, effective July 1.
A 1992 graduate of PHS, Coan earned an associate’s degree from Northwest-Shoals Community college, where she played volleyball, and then a B.S. in early childhood and elementary education from Athens State University.

Black new Lynn High principal

Officials welcome Annah Black on board as the new principal of Lynn High School. From left, Joey Boteler, president of the Winston County Board of Education, Lynn Elementary Principal Brad Alsup; Black and Winston County Schools Superintendent Greg Pendley.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Annah Cagle Black, who served this past year as assistant Lynn High School principal, has been promoted to the role of principal, replacing Daniel Farris, who was moved to the central office during a recent meeting of the Winston County Board of Education.

Alsup new LES principal; Farris promoted to principal job at LHS

Brad Alsup, above left, is the new Lynn Elementary School principal. Daniel Farris, above right, is the new Lynn High School principal.
LYNN - A complete turnover in administration at Lynn Schools has resulted in Brad Alsup as the new elementary principal and the transfer of Daniel Farris to high school principal from the assistant’s role.

Harden new MES principal; Henderson moves to Meek High

Wesley Harden, above left, is the new Meek Elementary School prinicpal. Allan Henderson, above right, has been transferred to the principal job at Meek High School.
ARLEY - Wesley Harden, a Meek High School graduate, has returned home as Meek Elementary principal, replacing Allan Henderson, who has been transferred as high school principal in a series of personnel relocations across the Winston County school district.

Reed hired as new Haleyville High School Principal

Welcoming Davey Reed on board as new principal of Haleyville High School, from left, Board of Education President Donna Jones, Chere Fetter, who has served as high school interim principal. Standing to the right of Reed is HCS Superintendent Dr. Holly Sutherland.
HALEYVILLE - In a special called meeting Friday, May 31, Davey Alan Reed was hired by a unanimous vote of the Haleyville Board of Education as the new principal of Haleyville High School for the 2019-2020 school year effective June 3.