WINSTON COUNTY - The annual Highway 13 yard sale is planned for Saturday, April 1.
The yard sale will go from Natural Bridge to Delmar and will take place all day. For those who don’t live along Highway 13 in this area and want to participate, there will be several places available to set up yard sales. The Natural Bridge Community Center, just north of the four-way stop, will be offering spots, as will the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4543 and the Delmar Volunteer Fire Department.
At Delmar VFD, inside and outside spots will be available. Inside spots are $10, while outside spots are $5, with all proceeds going to benefit the Delmar Fire Department.
The VFW still had, as of press time Tuesday, March 21, two inside spots available and plenty of outdoor spots available. Indoor spots are $20 and include two tables, and outdoor spots are $10 and do not come with tables. The VFW has already had some wonderful vendors commit to being there for the sale, so they will have a wide variety of items available for purchase.
Both the VFW and Delmar VFD will have breakfast and lunch items available for purchase, and the VFW will have restrooms available. Proceeds from food sales will benefit the respective location selling the food items.
For more information about setting up at Natural Bridge, call (205) 269-9208. For more information about setting up at the Delmar Fire Department, call Ray Cantrell at (205) 269-3066 or James Liverett at (205) 272-2447. For more information about setting up at the VFW post, call Dwight Thomas at (205) 269-6858.
The Highway 13 Yard Sale is sponsored by the Natural Bridge Community Association, the Delmar Volunteer Fire Department and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4543 and Auxiliary.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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