Juvenile fabricates shooting

DOUBLE SPRINGS  -  Law enforcement are deciding on either charges or a plan of action to take against a 14-year-old juvenile who falsified information of a shooting and two male subjects at large when the juvenile was actually the one who pulled the trigger.

After law enforcement, based on information given them by the juvenile, issued a bulletin for local and area law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for a black SUV and two male subjects--one of whom had reportedly shot at the juvenile--they learned that the bullets had been fired from a gun owned by the juvenile’s parents, stressed Winston County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Jacob Eward.

“We want the community to know there is no danger,” Eward pointed out. “It was a fabricated story.

“ I’m very disappointed that (the juvenile) did not tell me the truth from the start,” Eward added. “I know I put five to six hours into it that day, my deputy doing a report that night, other officers looking for this black SUV.

“We used a lot of man hours on a fabricated story,” Eward further exclaimed. “That does disappoint me quite a bit.

“Our resources got tied up on this. It’s very frustrating that (the juvenile) wasn’t truthful from the get-go,” he continued. “It would have saved a lot of trouble.”

The sheriff’s office has been in discussion with the Winston County District Attorney’s Office and other officials to decide what the best plan of action would be in this particular case, Eward stated.

“We’re looking at the best options for the consequences of his actions,” Eward pointed out.

“I hope this doesn’t become a norm, where people start fabricating stuff, tying up resources and people, worrying people and causing grief, all over a fabricated story,” he noted


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