Fruit sales begin next week at Haleyville Center of Technology

HALEYVILLE  - The Haleyville Center of Technology’s annual fruit sale begins Tuesday, Oct. 22, with proceeds going toward career technical education.
All Haleyville Center of Technology students will be offering the following delicious items:
 • Grand slam gift box (18-20 sweet navel oranges, 6 crisp Red Delicious apples, 6 sweet Di Anjou pears and 3 fancy Golden Delicious Apples - $40 for 2/5 bushel;
• Mandarin clementines - $25 for 1/5 bushel;
• Hamlin oranges - $25 for 2/5 bushel;
• Mixed citrus box (16-20 seedless and sweet Mandarin oranges, 18-20 sweet navel oranges and 6 juice red grapefruit) - $40 for 2/5 bushel;
• Navel oranges - $42 for large box (4/5 bushel); $32 for small box (2/5 bushel);
• Red Delicious apples - $32 for 1/2 bushel;
• Red grapefruit - $25 for 2/5 bushel.
These items are being sold through Tuesday, Nov. 5.
To make a purchase, see any Haleyville COT student or call the Haleyville COT at (205) 486-9481.  The fruit is expected to be delivered around the first week in December.
Proceeds will go to benefit the Haleyville COT and the programs they offer students.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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