Winston County Republican Party

More candidates announce plans to seek local offices

Candidates who announced Sept. 11, that they would be seeking Winston County offices in the March 5, primary are pictured with State Representatives Tracy Estes, front left, and Tim Wadsworth, front right, who were special guests at the meeting. Seated between the representatives is Tonise Partridge, candidate for the Addison district of the Winston County Board of Education. Back row, from left, Winston County Republican Party Chairman Jerry Mobley; Thomas Govan, seeking Court of Criminal Appeals Place 2
DOUBLE SPRINGS - A present and a former Winston County Commissioner will now be running against each other for the seat of commission chairman in the March 5, 2024, primary election.

“America's Toughest Sheriff” coming to Winston County

Joseph Michael Arpaio, who served as the 36th sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.
DOUBLE SPRINGS  -  Joseph Michael Arpaio, described as America’s Toughest Sheriff--one who has not only taken an outspoken stance against illegal immigration but also has been the subject of several federal civil rights lawsuits-- is coming to a special event in Winston County on Friday, March  8.