HALEYVILLE - A 4-1 vote by the Haleyville Board of Education approved the continuation of HHS Principal Davey Reed’s contract effective July 1 and running through June 30, 2026.
Standing from left, Haleyville High School Principal Davey Reed, HCS Superintendent Dr. Holly Sutherland. Seated are members of the Haleyville Board of Education, from left, Beth McAlpine, Kris Burleson, Chad Tidwell and Board President Donna Jones. Not present is board member Barry Burleson.
HALEYVILLE - A unanimous vote of the Haleyville Board of Education approved a three-year non-probationary contract of Haleyville High School Principal Davey Reed effective July 1 through June 30, 2023, as one of numerous personnel items approved at the Thursday, June 25 meeting.