City of Haleyville to Coach Safely

City council members approve the Coach Safely resolution. Shown from left are Richard Bittinger, Jonathan Bennett, Mayor Ken Sunseri, G. Blue Russell and Royce Benefield. Not shown is Drew Thrasher.

HALEYVILLE - The Parks and Recreation Department and the City of Haleyville have entered into a partnership with the Coach Safely Foundation. The resolution was passed at the council meeting on Sept. 4.

Alabama Legislature passed the Coach Safety Act earlier this year declaring coaches to have training for help in the prevention of sports-related injuries. This means training will be provided online at no cost to local coaches for Haleyville Parks and Recreation teams and activities. It’s the hope this will “enhance the overall youth athletic experience” and “raise awareness of youth athletic safety.”

Topics to be included in the course include the recognition and injury prevention of concussions, heat exhaustion, trauma, sudden cardiac arrest and to have an emergency action plan. The course was developed by the Andrews Research and Education Foundation.

“I’m totally behind this Coach Safely Foundation,” Mayor Ken Sunseri said. “What they’re doing is trying to put out health information for the young athletes.” Some of the injuries young athletes sustain can be prevented, he continued. “It’s extremely important to have all coaches participate in local leagues to get certified. We’re working on a plan for coaches coming in from different areas to have certification, and the council agrees.”

More than 53% of coaches said they have felt pressure from a parent or player to put an athlete back in a game if a child has been injured. Also, 42% of athletes said they have hidden or downplayed an injury to stay in a game.

For more information on the foundation, visit

In other business, the resolution for the  revolving loan with the Northwest Alabama Council of Local Governments has been approved in the amount of $150,000. The term of the loan is five years with three percent interest per year. The purpose of the loan is for asphalt resurfacing of the following roads:

Old Hamilton Road from Hwy. 129 to Fifth Street, Alabama Avenue from Hwy. 129 to Dolphin Road and a section of Boar Tush Road from the railroad crossing to Sam Letson Industrial Road.

Another passed resolution canvassed the returns of the general election held on Aug. 28. For the school board, place two, Barry Burleson had a total of 529 votes with Beth Sunseri Moore having 480 votes. For the school board, place three, Steve Stott had a total of 477 votes with Chad Tidwell having 542 votes. The resolution declared Barry Burleson and Chad Tidwell, receiving the majority of votes, to be duly elected to their respective offices beginning on the first regular meeting in March 2019.

The next city council meeting will be Monday, Sept. 17, at 5:30 p.m. at city hall.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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