Clear cutting may be cause of flooding in Lynn

A flooded area in Lynn.

LYNN - New visual changes in the town of Lynn, the clear cutting of trees behind the old town hall and beside the school, have resulted in a flooding problem for the town.
When rains are heavy, the water simply has nowhere to go except downhill. It is no longer halted by the trees and bushes which used to be there. At the moment, the water stops at the entrance to the city cemetery, causing the road to flood.
At the regular town meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19, Mayor Jeff Stokes brought the problem to the attention of the town council. Stokes asked if he had authority to fix the problem before the next meeting.
“I might have to buy a couple of culverts,” Stokes said. “I believe I can get the county to help us out.”
“If you don’t have any objections I’m going to do whatever it takes to get it fixed,” Stokes continued.
The mayor explained the culverts might have to go under the road which leads through the cemetery, off of Long Street. Another possible route would be to dig trenches away from the area and down behind the day care.
“The county will have to tell me which way to go,” Stokes said. “I’m going to get it done as soon as we can. If that continues, we’ll have a bigger issue with the road.”
The council gave Stokes approval to get the situation corrected.
In other news at the meeting, an additional lawnmower for the town had been discussed. The matter was tabled until the next meeting, because a better price may have been found at another location.
The lowest quote on a price for four new and mounted tires for the 2006 Polaris Ranger was in the amount of $320 from Kathy’s Tire. A motion was made, seconded and carried to purchase the tires at Kathy’s Tire.
Joey Bell, full-time employee for the Lynn water and street departments, was approved to go to a class for level one water certification, which should be held in Arley on Feb. 28, March 1 and March 4.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned. The next town council meeting will be Monday, March 18, at 6 p.m. at the old town hall.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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