WINSTON COUNTY - U.S. Congressman Robert Aderholt announced Wednesday, Nov. 25, that he is, unfortunately, having to return to quarantine after his wife tested positive for COVID-19.
“As I had previously let everyone know, I had gone into quarantine after being near someone who later tested positive for Covid-19. I had isolated myself from my wife Caroline and son Robert Hayes, as well. (Our daughter, Mary Elliott, is in school at Auburn.) When my quarantine ended, I was once again around Caroline and Robert Hayes. Unfortunately, about the time we were reunited, Caroline began to feel like she was getting a head cold, and late Tuesday she tested positive for Covid-19. Thankfully, she has mild symptoms, and Robert Hayes remains symptom free. I also remain symptom free. However, I will once again, according to medical guidelines, go back into quarantine.
“As has been reported in the news in the last day, the CDC is in the process of possibly shortening quarantine guidelines to ten to seven days. Hopefully, I will stay well and not have to isolate as long this time.”
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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