Haleyville Public Library Librarian Carla Waldrep points to a broken glass window in the former law office building of the late Jerry Jackson, which is located next to the library.
HALEYVILLE - Merchants and others along Main Street in downtown Haleyville are speaking out, requesting more action be taken after another incident of destruction of city property.
Carla Waldrep, librarian at the Haleyville Public Library, came to work early Monday morning, June 21, and noticed something was just not right.
When she arrived at work, she noticed that Assistant Librarian Suzanne Fowler had parked her vehicle in a different location than her usual spot behind the library.
“As I pulled into the parking lot and approached, I immediately began seeing debris, all the broken cinder blocks and stuff littering the parking lot,” Waldrep began.
At this point, Waldrep realized Fowler had parked in a different location to avoid driving over broken blocks, which might damage a tire, she said.
“We had to move some of those just to be able to get up to the library to our parking spots,” Waldrep stated.
The broken pieces of blocks had come from a wall beside one of the exit stairs to the Dixie Theater next door, she explained.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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