Prescribed burns planned for Bankhead
BANKHEAD NATIONAL FOREST - USDA Forest Service plans to conduct prescribed burns on approximately 193,584 acres throughout Alabama’s national forests – Bankhead, Conecuh, Talladega, and Tuskegee.
A big brown bat caught during the 2022 Bat Blitz. While bigger than other area cave bats, it is tiny at less than two inches long.
CAMP MCDOWELL - Last week, the bats of the Bankhead National Forest had their moment in the sun—or rather, the moonlight.
Nearly a hundred bat experts and others from at least ten states, plus Norway, converged at Camp McDowell for the 2022 Bat Blitz, an intensive survey of the bat population. Bat Blitzes are organized every year by the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network (SBDN) and a state group, in this case, the Alabama Bat Working Group (ABWG).