HALEYVILLE - Projects are taking place or are in the planning stages all across Haleyville, thanks to resolutions passed by the Haleyville City Council.
County workers begin the chip sealing process at the northern end of County Road 28, next to Highway 13 in Delmar.
DELMAR - A bumpy ride promises to be smoothed out with a new hot mix asphalt. County Road 28, one of three routes that are between both U.S. Highway 278 to Highway 13 in Delmar, has recently had work done to its base on the Delmar half of the road, with those work areas then being chip sealed. New pavement will soon be added to that half, with striping added to the entire road.
Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri, left, and Lane Bates, general manager of the Haleyville Water and Sewer Department, are on 7th Avenue, where a portion of the proposed major water/sewer line project will take place.
HALEYVILLE - The time has come to update water and sewer lines and freshly pavie areas of 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th avenues, thanks to a $450,000 Community Development Block Grant, which would be funded as a partnership between the City of Haleyville and the water department.
Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri, left, and council member Royce Benefield hold up a banner presented to the city by Motorola regarding the 50th anniversary of the first 9-1-1 call.
HALEYVILLE - With all council members present except for Blue Russell, and final preparations for the 9-1-1 Festival underway, the Haleyville City Council met Tuesday, May 29, in the courtroom of Haleyville City Hall.