Winston County BOE non-renews some personnel

DOUBLE SPRINGS    -  School boards are faced with tough decisions toward the end of a school year, including non-renewing personnel, but officials at Winston County Schools stress these decisions are not based on financial issues.
The Winston County Board of Education - during its early morning May 21 meeting, non-renewed six personnel, as well as accepted six resignations/retirements, approved transfers, coaching assignments and hires.  One key person transferred was Lynn Elementary Principal Brad Alsup, who will assume the countywide position over virtual school/alternative school effective July 1.  The vote to transfer Alsup from LES principal to virtual/alternative school director, all board members voted in favor, except for Allin Bailey, who abstained. The vote carried with Boteler, Mark Finley, Randy Lee and Lamar Frith voting in favor.
Alsup will be taking the position from Daniel Farris, who was moved to transportation director, replacing Jeff Scott, who will take over as Winston County Schools Superintendent in January, 2025.
The following non-renewals were approved by the board: Bryan Kennedy, teacher at Meek High School; Alyssa Wilson, teacher at Meek Elementary School; Christy Medders and Alaina Rushing,  teachers at Double Springs Elementary School; Holly Russell, paraprofessional at Lynn Elementary and Holly Aderholt, teacher Lynn Elementary.
Concerning the non-renewals, Winston County Board of Education President Joey Boteler stated, “Sometimes you have to make changes, and it’s never good.
“We wish everyone that has gotten non-renewed the best in the future,” Boteler pointed out.
“We have hired some good people.  Hopefully, everything will work out, and it will help all the children of the Winston County school system,”  Boteler continued
When asked by the Alabamian, Boteler confirmed the non-renewals were not related to finances, but other circumstances.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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