Town of Lynn purchasing 10 acres adjacent to ballfield

LYNN - The Town of Lynn is acquiring ten acres of land in the hopes of expanding the ballfields in the future.

At the town meeting on Monday, July 16, 2018, a motion was made and passed to purchase the land from Travis Mobley in the amount of $15,000 from the general account. The land also includes an older, unused mobile home still on the property.

The mobile home has been vacant for a number of years and will need to be moved, burned or dismantled.

Council member Allen Barnett mentioned some of the land could be filled in to have more of the land made usable.

Mobley will be obtaining the deed from the courthouse in the meantime.

A discussion was held concerning the mobile home on the pros and cons of burning it or if the axles were still under it allowing it to be moved to the dump. Another suggestion was to have a dumpster moved in and take a backhoe to scoop it up and place it in the dumpster after being dismantled.

No decision was made at the meeting on what to do with the mobile home.

In other news, a 2005 Ford Explorer in the fire department needs a thermostat housing water outlet replaced with a quote of $622.71. A motion was made and passed to pay for the repair.

Parts have been ordered for the water department to reroute the water lines under the Splunge Creek bridge on County Road 25. Mayor Jeff Stokes is currently waiting on an itemized list before the bill is paid. A motion was made and passed to table the matter until the itemized bill comes in.

“I want to get that bill, check off what we got and make sure everything is correct before we do anything on it,” Mayor Stokes said.

A fire fighter helmet has been damaged recently, and a new helmet will cost $280. All were in favor of purchasing a new helmet for the fire department.

It was also learned the new pavilion for the fire department will cost $300 more than originally planned, due to having a metal frame instead of wood. The total cost is $1,295.

We’ll get a thousand back from Tim Wadsworth,” Stokes mentioned.

Council Member Earl Gilbert made a motion to allow the extra $300. It was seconded and carried and the meeting adjourned.

The next town meeting at Lynn will be Monday, August 20, 2018, at 6 p.m. at the old town hall building.

See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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