Winston County Schools invest in bus tracking system

Winston County Transportation Supervisor Jeff Hendrix monitors the status of buses in the county fleet that already have the Zonar system installed.

DOUBLE SPRINGS - Winston County Schools have invested in even stronger student and staff safety features while on buses, thanks to the Zonar system, which tracks buses with location reports, rider status and driver  performance, as well as other web-based features during routes.
So far, the Zonar system has come equipped on 10 of the newest buses in the system’s fleet, including 2019 Thomas models, as well as 12 of the fleet’s 2016 model buses, according to Winston County Schools Superintendent Greg Pendley.
That means 22 buses of the 56 total in the fleet have the new Zonar system, and plans are in the works to install the new technology on the remaining buses thanks to the board’s investment of $18,000 from local funds, Pendley said.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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