Winston County election officials, from left, Sheriff Horace Moore, Probate Judge Sheila Moore and Circuit Clerk and Absentee Elections Manager J.D. Snoddy show the new electronic poll books which will be used for the first time at every county polling site during the Nov. 3 general election.
WINSTON COUNTY - Just as the dust is settling from the Oct. 6, run-off elections after the August municipal elections, plans are already gearing up for the general election on Nov. 3, with voters being introduced to a new method of signing in at the polls.
Winston County Probate Judge Sheila Moore noted that poll workers will be trained on new electronic poll books, which offer an electronic means of voters signing in, complete with a scan of voters' driver’s licenses to prove their authenticity before they are given a ballot to vote.
When voters go to the polls, they will not be signing their name on a paper as has been traditionally done. Instead, voters will sign directly onto the polling pad, Moore said.
The pad is also equipped with a place where a driver’s license will be scanned, Moore explained.
“If they don’t have a driver’s license, then the poll worker will type in the name,” Moore said. “It will bring them up (on the screen). Then they’ll sign in.”
The electronic poll books, or polling pads as they are sometimes called, will be just like the paper polling list, except it will be done electronically. The polling pad will have names and information for each voter for that site already programed in before the election, Moore stated.
See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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