Storm shelter planned for Twin Forks

BEAR CREEK   -  Plans for a new storm shelter for Bear Creek could not come at a better time--as severe weather has been the focus this week in observance of the 10th anniversary of the April 27, 2011, tornado outbreak.
The  Bear Creek Development Authority has given the go-ahead for the first storm shelter to be located on Tennessee Valley Authority property at Bear Creek, with Bear Creek now working to meet guidelines from TVA concerning the location of the shelter at the Twin Forks ballfield and campsite areas.
BCDA approved the storm shelter at a recent board meeting.  Shannon McKinney, executive director of BCDA, noted he has been in contact with TVA about a permitting process that will need to be followed before the project can proceed.
“If there is going to be ground disturbance there at all, then TVA is going to initiate some more steps in the permitting process. Any time any ground is disturbed, you have to do a survey to make sure there is not archaeological or historical issues with that spot,” McKinney said.
TVA has given the approval for the project and will not hold up the project for any undo reason, McKinney stated.


See complete story in the Northwest Alabamian.
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