
County Road 28 to have new pavement

County workers begin the chip sealing process at the northern end of County Road 28, next to Highway 13 in Delmar.
DELMAR - A bumpy ride promises to be smoothed out with a new hot mix asphalt. County Road 28, one of three routes that are between both U.S. Highway 278 to Highway 13 in Delmar, has recently had work done to its base on the Delmar half of the road, with those work areas then being chip sealed. New pavement will soon be added to that half, with striping added to the entire road.

9/11 commemorated by Veterans of Foreign Wars

Veterans of Foreign Wars members and Auxiliary present cases of water to representatives from area fire departments in memory of Sept. 11.
DELMAR - Veterans of Foreign War post members and Auxiliary remembered the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the nation by giving back to local fire responders during their meeting Monday, Sept. 9.