Free GED classes available in Winston County

Wallace State Adult Education Program GED Instructor Krista Givens teaches students at Meek Baptist Church in Arley two days each week.

ARLEY - The first step toward a successful future is simply getting started.
That is the message Wallace State Community College is wanting people in Winston County who, for whatever reason, were not able to get their high school diploma to know as they offer completely free GED classes in Arley and Double Springs.  Classes for persons 18 and older are held in Arley at Meek Baptist Church on County Road 77 (Helicon Road) Tuesdays and Thursdays and at The Rock Family Worship Center on Highway 278 just east of Double Springs every Wednesday night.

Fair returns to Double Springs this month

The Winston County Fair will return to the Seymour-Bevill Ball Field area in Double Springs April 23-28. Pictured above are just some of the rides and booths that were at the fair in the past. (Courtesy photo)
DOUBLE SPRINGS - Several charitable causes will benefit from the annual Winston County fair that’s returning to Double Springs April 23-28, as well as the Fair Queen Pageant that will kick-off the week-long event.

ALDOT makes changes to Highway 33 project

This is the view of where the Highway 33/County Road 24 intersection will take place. ALDOT has amended the project after receiving concerns from town officials.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - After Double Springs officials voiced concerns with the state’s plans to improve a dangerous intersection, the Alabama Department of Transportation paid a visit and agreed to amend the project.

Veteran educators retiring

From left, Haleyville High School Principal Davey Reed; HHS Assistant Principal and System STEAM Coordinator Candy Garner; Middle School Teacher Susanne Trallo; Middle School Assistant Principal Emily Faulkner and Middle School Principal Bo Wilcoxson. Garner and Trallo have announced retirement at the end of the school year.
HALEYVILLE - Two long-time educators at Haleyville City Schools, with a combined service of 60 years, will be retiring at the end of the school year.

New equipment a breath of fresh air for Haleyville Fire

Haleyville Fire Department was able to purchase 32 new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses with extra air bottles this month thanks to a federal matching-funds grant. (Courtesy Photo)

HALEYVILLE - Haleyville Fire and Rescue (HFD) was able to replace its entire aging inventory of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA) this month thanks to a federal grant, the 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant, that it received on August 10, 2023.

“(SCBA are) our source of safe breathing air when we’re inside of a house fire or a hazardous materials scene," said Craig Thomas, HFD firefighter and paramedic. “Anytime that there’s a toxic atmosphere, we’ll wear those.”

21st Century Learning Grant for Winston County Schools expanding opportunities

Shown are a few of the pre-K students in the Addison Elementary School After-School Program. From left, Branson Traynom, Ryder Roberson, Amelia Woodard and Anslee Massey. Working with them are Rena Parris, left, site coordinator and AES Principal Sharon Naylor.

ADDISON    - After-school programs have either been brought back, formed  or enriched at four schools in the Winston County Schools system, thanks to $4 million spread over the next five years through the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant.
The grant  provided $80,000 to restart the after-school program at Addison Elementary School, as well as begin new programs at Double Springs Middle School and Double Springs Elementary, according to educators.

Runoff election April 16

Winston County Election Officer Sheila Moore checks polling pads in preparation for the April 16 runoff election.
WINSTON COUNTY - Winston County voters will be returning to the polls on Tuesday, April 16, to cast ballots to determine the winners in two runoffs, including county commission chairman and county board of education Addison district 4.

Grants awarded to bands, arts council

At the presentation of the grant monies, from left, Lisa Cagle, reading specialist at Lynn Elementary; Marla Price, high school curriculum director for Winston County Schools; Lynn Band Director Rodney Fike; WCHS Band Director Nick Watts; Meek Band Director Zach Cleghorn; Addison Band Director Garrett McCurley; Jennifer Baker, elementary curriculum director for WC Schools; Theresa Snoddy, vice president of the Winston County Arts Council and Arts Council President J.D. Snoddy.
WINSTON COUNTY - Music and arts programs throughout Winston County, programs, which are not funded by the state, are now receiving a major financial boost, thanks to over $120,000 in funding through the Alabama Arts Education Initiative Grant.

Issue at Nesmith polling site did not affect election outcomes, Moore assured

DOUBLE SPRINGS - The Winston County Board of Registrars Office is working to correct an error from the March 5 primary election, when voters informed the office and polling officials at the Nesmith voting precinct they had received the wrong ballot for a different school board district than which they should vote.

HHS senior play Friday

HHS seniors at a recent play practice. Back row, from left, Nathan Boyles, Reece McNutt, Jackson Kutis, Blake Hood, Clay Price and Play Director and HHS Band Director Reggie Tolbert. Front row, from left, Lilie Defoor, Kate Shipman, Alex Perez and Andrew Luna.
HALEYVILLE - The annual Haleyville High Schools senior class production, Rock The Ville, featuring comedy and music, will take the stage Thursday, March 7, and Friday, March 8, at the elementary school cafetorium.