Fire Department

Lynn Fire Department ends year ahead

The new SCBAs are unpacked and inspected. Lynn received them Dec. 9.
LYNN - A pleasant end to the year has happened for the Lynn Volunteer Fire Department despite the uncertainty the year 2020 has brought. Expensive items have been purchased thanks to two grants the department received recently. The most costly items are 16 brand new self-contained breathing apparatus devices used in most situations involved with the fire department.

Fire departments receive state funds

Back row from left: James Rickett, Arley; Code Wakefield, Lynn; Brandon Lewis, Double Springs; Jeff Marksberry, Central; Mike Crooks, Addison and Casey Hammack, Alabama Forestry Commission. Front row, Terry Tidwell, Black Pond; Roger Watts, Ashridge; Wade Hess, Haleyville and Ray Cantrell, Delmar. Kneeling are Estes and Wadsworth. Not shown are representatives from Helicon and Pebble fire departments.
DOUBLE SPRINGS - The Winston County Fire Fighters Association met at the Double Springs Municipal Building Tuesday, July 28, for their monthly meeting. Before the business meeting, State Representatives Tracy Estes and Tim Wadsworth distributed checks to each fire department.

Helicon, Arley and Addison fire departments form joint agreement

The new automatic aid agreement between Helicon, Arley and Addison fire departments means the three agencies must participate together in 16 hours of training per year. That training started Saturday, Feb. 22. Firefighters are using the Jaws of Life in a mock wreck at the Arley Fire station.
WINSTON COUNTY - Three local departments are now operating as one single department on structure fire calls under a new automatic aid agreement, which affects qualifications for their training.