The HALEYVILLE CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION is interested in receiving bids for the completion of school paving Improvements for Haleyville Elementary School.
Sealed proposals will be received Dr. Holly Sutherland, Superintendent, at Haleyville City Schools, 2011 20th Street, Haleyville, AL 35565, Phone: 205-486-9231, until 2:00 PM, Tuesday, January 11, 2022, then opened and read aloud.
Separate sealed proposal bid packages (as detailed in the project specifications) will be received Dr. Holly Sutherland, Superintendent, at Haleyville City Schools...
The sealed proposal as described above shall be received by Dr. Holly W. Sutherland, Superintendent at Haleyville City Schools located at 2011 20th Street, Haleyville, AL 35565; PH: 205.486.9231, until 2:00 PM (CST), Thursday, August 5, 2021, then opened and read aloud.