
High speed internet project to begin


Haleyville Mayor Ken Sunseri, left, talks with Steve Foshee of Tombigbee Electric Cooperative about the project to affect Haleyville and Bear Creek.


HALEYVILLE - Governor Kay Ivey’s recent announcement of $365,158 in Appalachian Regional Commission funds to drastically improve broadband internet coverage in rural Alabama is good news for Bear Creek and Haleyville.

$600 million pilot program to bring broadband into rural areas

From left, Steve Foshee, CEO of Tombigbee Electric Cooperative; Governor Kay Ivey; U.S. Congressman Robert Aderholt; and Sonny Perdue, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture at the official announcement made Thursday afternoon, May 3, at Tombigee's headquarters in Hamilton
HAMILTON - Officials from the federal to state level gathered for the grand announcement Thursday afternoon, May 3, of a $600 million pilot program designed to help bring broadband or high speed internet into rural areas.